There are many respiratory products used in the world, for example spirometry and ergospirometry devices. To assure they are performing well and to meet the demands of customers and legal regulations, they need to be validated. Currently, the quality control is limited by calibration of each sensor (O2, CO2 and flow) separately, but the critical dynamic interaction between the sensors is not included. Therefore, Relitech developed for their customers in the field of respiratory products a new metabolic simulator. This state of the art product is user-friendly, concise and precise.
With our Metabolic Simulator, you can go to the device that needs to be tested. At the test site, the device mixes two pure gases N2 and CO2 and generates real time breathing patterns. Because of the smart design, various human breath patterns can be precisely simulated, resulting in capnographs closely resembling the ones of test subjects. On the three displays, the actual settings of V’O2, V’CO2 and BF can be read. See below the specifications of the Metabolic Simulator, the best value-for-money in its class.
Please contact us when your interested in the Metabolic Simulator or in the development of other lung function devices.